================= Using the library ================= Because both are asynchronous, discord bots and Apexpy go really well together. This snippet is written in python 3.7 using discord.py (rewrite branch) and shows a way of using Apexpy in Cog. .. code-block:: python from discord.ext.commands import command from apexpy import ApexApi class ApexLegend: def __init__(self, bot): self.bot = bot @command() async def apexsearch(self, ctx, name: str, platform:str) -> None: player = ApexApi('secret_key') await player.search(name, platform) for legend in player.legends: await ctx.send(legend.stats) def setup(bot): bot.add_cog(ApexLegend(bot)) Output: .. image:: /_static/apexpy-discord.py.png You make sure you prettify everything, as most of the data is pure object oriented, its manipulation is very easy. Apexpy can of course, be run as a standalone using asyncio. .. code-block:: python import asyncio from apexpy import ApexApi async def main(): player = ApexApi() await player.search('DiegosaursTTV', 'pc') for legend in player.legends: print(f'{legend.name} -> {legend.stats}') print(player.stats) asyncio.run(main()) For more detailed information of the library, check the api reference.